Gwen is always happy to fly through the air on my legs. No matter what kind of mood she's in she loves it.

This shot shows you her hair in back. She's rubbed a lot of it off in bed and in the car seat.

Kaden is five months older than Gwen. He and his Mom, Anne Marie went shopping with us in Las Cruces last Tuesday. We went all kinds of places: Target, Barnes & Noble, Sears Portrait Studio, Jiffy Lube (car maintenance), Chik-Fil-A for lunch and Bed Bath & Beyond. We were there all day once we slipped in the time it takes to feed, change and play with the kiddos too. It was nice to get out of town with a friend while Adam was in L.A.

Also, one of the Mothers in the play group visited our house for an hour. Chance is only one week older than Gwen.....quite a bit of size difference. It was so nice of her to come over. I was working on some presentation boards for Ricca Newmark Design this last week, so I was pretty busy with that. I could only afford an hour break to give Gwen a chance to play with another baby that day.

Friday Adam came home, and we went to the driving range on base. I like to title this picture "Gwen's first golf lesson from Daddy". He has a new club for his birthday he wanted to try out before he went golfing the next day in Las Cruces at New Mexico State University. I guess the course is pretty nice. It rained though, so they were given a rain-check for nine holes. That was nice.
So, yes, the presentation boards were a blessing to work on. I enjoy it, and it occupied 20 hours from Wednesday to today(Sunday). It is so nice to leisurely work in between taking care of Gwen and eating meals and such. Once Gwen went to sleep I put most of the time in. Otherwise, it's 10 minutes here....a half hour there.
I had an old classmate at CSU get in touch regarding a designer position opening where she works. She didn't know I was in NM, and emailed me. It was nice to know she remembered my dedication and hard work in school and was searching me out. Anyway, it was for another hospitality firm in Denver....downtown Denver. They work on club houses and hotels. It was nice to catch up and see who she's keeping in touch with from school. Networking....you never know when it will pop up.
Well, Adam's not having to leave again until the end of August, so we'll have some good time together. It will be really nice for Gwen and him to have some bonding time. We might all be going up to Colorado again that last week in August, because a friend is getting married in Silverthorn, CO....up in the mountains. We'll see. We haven't figured it out yet.
The weather is hot here still. I think we are almost over the hottest part of the year. That will be so nice. The electric bill was $40 more this month due to air cooling. We don't keep it any lower than 74 and now we're going to try 78 during the day and 76 at night. That might help out the steep cost. I know it's hot nation wide mostly, so to that I say stay cool.