May 22, 2007

Grandma Fisher's Big Adventure

JoAnn, Adam's mother, was visiting us for eight days. We have many pictures from our adventures. We also spent some relaxing time at home. We took the rental van that JoAnn picked up all the way up to the Red Feather Lakes of Colorado for Gwen's baptism. JoAnn was a wonderful guest and we all had a great time.

This is Grandma Fisher with Gwen near the White Sands National Monument. These cactus plants are seen often in people's yards. This was outside of the visitor's center.

JoAnn was dancing in the white gypsum sands. It doesn't get hot like sand made of silicone. It is blinding white though.

Here's another view of the white sands.

This is a pistachio tree that is eight years old. JoAnn, Gwen and I went to the pistachio ranch gift store and these were outside near it.

This is what pistachio nuts look like when they are on the tree still.

This is in Colorado Springs from the Garden of the gods visitor center balcony. JoAnn, Gwen and I walked around this area while Adam was working.

The sun was in Gwen's face in this one, but she really did enjoy it here. I promise. ;)

This was Gwen and me.

We took JoAnn out for a Mother's Day dinner at a mexican restaurant in Las hour east of Alamogordo. It's decor was authentic looking. The fountain behind us was neat.

This is the van. She was a good van. A mighty good van. We were in northern New Mexico at a gas station.

We stopped in Castle Rock on our way back to visit with our neighbors and check out our house. I've skipped the baptism pictures and reception with family and friends for another blog entry. There are too many pictures otherwise. Ellen, is a dear friend whom we really enjoyed living by. Gwen is wearing a gift from Ellen and Brian. It said "Instructions not included".

Grandma Fisher loved to play patty cake with Gwen. Gwen loved it just as much. This picture captures the moment.

Three generations are captured here. Looks like Gwen has some catching up to do with getting some sun.

May 14, 2007

Mother's Day

Mother's Day was a great day. Adam made us waffles and coffee that we ate while holding Gwen and passing her back and forth in order to eat them while they were warm. Then we enjoyed time on the back porch with our coffee, and Adam gave me cards from him and Gwen. Gwen even signed her own card...with Adam's help of coarse. ha ha ha. Gwen loves being outside. If she's crying and we step outside, she will stop and listen to all of the sounds and look around.

Then Gwen napped for a while as Adam prepared for a picnic. We drove about 40 minutes west of Alamogordo to a camping area. While we were there we ate, fed Gwen, and took a little hike with her in the front carrier. The temperature was 88 F in Alamogordo and about 82 F where we hiked, so the hike didn't last much more than 30 minutes total. Both Adam and Gwen were getting overheated.

It was absolutely wonderful to be outdoors enjoying our family and nature. It was perfect. We've already decided to camp there for Father's day in June.

The picnic table was covered. What a great feature!

This was the view in one direction from the picnic site. It gave us the feeling of being in the mountains of Colorado. Ahhh....that's what we love!

This was the opposite direction from the picnic site.
Here's what Gwen was doing as we were getting unpacked from the car. She absolutely loves sucking and chewing on her hands right now. She's drooling quite a bit too. I thought that was an indication of teething. It's a bit early for that though.

Adam's being funny with his drink and pinky finger up. Oooo- la- la.

Later on in the day, we were cooking a salmon cheesecake. Yes, that's right. Salmon and cheesecake can go together. We wanted to make something special for JoAnn visiting today. She always creates such awesome meals that we wanted to impress her.

Gwen was hanging out in her rocker while Adam danced in front of her with dance music on. We keep her in this on the kitchen island so that she can see us, smell all of the fragrances of food and be involved while we talk to her about what we are doing. Don't worry, we are very careful about her safety while doing this.

We are working with her hands and upper body strength. That is why there are fabrics in her hands. We put different textures in her hands, and then she just keeps a hold of them. She puts them in her mouth too of course. And, in this picture she is looking up at the light fixtures that are above her. They are favorites of hers.

Her speech seems like it's developing very well, but she isn't as interested in the active side of things. That's why we are putting her on her tummy as much as possible. We want to help her develop upper body strength to roll over and eventually crawl. She would much rather be held or talked to while laying on her back at this point.

May 10, 2007

Compare and Contrast

I have compiled some baby photos of Adam and me, so that we can compare to Gwen's features. You'll have to comment to let us know what you think. Have fun!

This is my Grandpa Fiki who we call Pa holding me (Kim).

This is my Mother holding me.

The profile looks similar to Gwen I think, and the dark hair is similar also.

This is Adam three days old. Again, the dark hair and profile look similar to Gwen I think.

This is Adam in the hospital with his Grandmother Sophie holding him. I see the similarities here too.

This is Kim's Grandmother Tressy (sp?), her sister and brother.

I added this picture to the blog, because I think Gwen makes this face when she's working on a number....if you know what I mean. Kim is 5 months old in this, but since I was premature it would be more like 3.5 months for Gwen.

Adam is on the right here. His cousin Katie was born at the same hospital just one day apart from him. She is on the left. They are 3 months old in this picture.

Adam is 5 months in this picture with him Mother.

Here he is 6 months old.

2 Month Checkup

Today Gwen is actually nine weeks old, but I think the weeks are a thing of the past to be looked upon. Now we will go by her months rather. It all gets confusing if you ask me. You see she was two months old on the 8th, but nine weeks old on the 10th. I think of two months as eight weeks, but it somehow gets mixed up.

Well, it was so nice that Adam could be at the appointment today too. We were there for two hours. The scope is that she's 13 lbs 5 oz (95%), 24" long (90%) and her head is at the 60% mark. This is compared to 100 babies in general that would be her age.

Here Gwen has been measured and weighed. It looks as if she could be saying, "I don't want to get the shots next." Ahhh, what a cutie. We just left her undressed under the blanket instead of redressing her twice. She's not a big fan of the clothing going over her head, and the goal was to keep her happy there. ;)

This is just after the shots have been given. They gave her six different vaccines. One was given orally...a piece of cake for her. Then the rest were in her thighs. You can barely see the bandaids here. She cried just for a couple of seconds as the needles went in, but then when Adam picked her up she stopped. He held her hands while the shots were being given. She handled it very well I think. The doctor said that the four and six month shots will most likely be a little bit harder to handle for her.

While we were in the waiting room she put her pointer finger and middle finger in her pacifier as if she was sucking on those fingers. It was so cute. Also, she's been talking so much to us. She says things like, "ow-aaa, a-baa, a-gaa, a-goo, ba, aah". She also is laughing a bit, grunting of course and smiling at us when we talk to her. She doesn't do it all of the time...only when she's in the mood. ;)

She's sleeping 2,3 and 4-4.5 hour stretches. She's eating pretty much every time she wakes up. Her acne is all gone, and the crying is rare. Usually she cries only when she's hungry.

This is only part of the rose garden at the Deaf and Blind School of New Mexico. I finally took a picture. There's Gwen in the stroller. It's not a very populated place. You see the students walking around every so often, and you see maintenance workers the same amount if not more.

Here are some flowers to brighten your May!


May 08, 2007

Picnic at the Zoo

Here's the group that met. Gwen's at the bottom middle of the picture.

Here's a close up of Gwen and me. It was a bit windy, so I had her wrapped in a blanket.

Nikki and Hayden: Hayden is one day older than Gwen. Does she look smaller/ younger to you?
Here are our neighbors and friends Anne Marie and Kaden. He is 7 months old.

Happy May!

Adam's not traveling for a while now. We've been just enjoying Gweneth, and the days are flying by pleasantly. She will have her two month appointment this Thursday. We were suppose to have it today. We woke Gwen up to feed her and change her clothes and diaper and rushed out of the house to make the 7:40 am appointment. When we were checking in they told us that the doctor has been hospitalized and the appointment is canceled. Adam asked if they were planning on calling us. They answered with "We planned on it, but didn't get to it". It was unfortunate, but that is why we are going back in two days.

Other happenings have been outdoor activities. The playgroup went to the zoo and had a picnic, and those are the pictures above. I've also found a new favorite place to walk. It's the deaf and blind school campus. It is shaded with beautiful trees and the rose garden area is a haven I love to visit. I have gone alone with Gwen once, Leanne and her daughter joined me once and then Adam, Gwen and I went last weekend. It's been wonderful.