July 03, 2007

Playgroup and I Found My Toes

We're back in the swing of things and updating the blog better. he he he

Today we met up with the play group. Matt turned one in June, Lauren on the far right is going to be one in August and Hayden on the top is one day older than Gwen. Hayden was dressed cute as ever in her patriotic out fit. It was a fun morning with them. The one year olds are walking around (kind of) and really active, so it's nice that Gwen can learn from them.

Lauren is sharing her Bumbo chair with Gwen. I wanted to get one for her, but she already seems to be a little big for it. I can't decide now after trying this one out. We hold her often in a way so that she sits up on her own, so that might be enough. It is a nice invention though.

After seeing other toys that kids have, it makes me think I don't buy enough for Gwen. I feel like there's a fine line between getting enough for them to be stimulated and learn and not over doing it. We haven't really purchased much for her, but now I think we may need to start making more of an effort.

I'm a big girl now!

Gwen is as happy as a clam when she wakes up most mornings. When I come to get her, she usually smiles like this when I talk to her. I love hearing her talk while she's playing with the mirrored toy. Now her feet have become entertaining. She grabs them quite often lately.

Here's a shot of Gwen from this morning in her crib. She'll be four months old in a couple of days. Crazy! The CSU Rams mobile is entertaining to her too.

Mmmmm! Feeeeet!

My hands taste good too still!


At 9:13 PM, Blogger Morgan Mann said...

Wow! She's flexible.

At 5:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

These are wonderful times...enjoy every precious moment!!! Love you all...Mom/JoAnn

P.S. wish that you guys were closer, I see Grandmothers interacting with their grandchildren and my heart wishes you were closer. Love the pics, please post to Walgreens. Thanks!!!

At 3:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am just catching up on your blog! I haven't looked at it in a month! Oh my gosh, she is really changing. It is amazing how fast they grow. I am glad she is enjoying the CSU Mobile!!! I really miss you guys...now I must get back to looking at more of the blog! Love, Maegen


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