Beady Bear and Me
A blog entry by Gwen:
Grandma and Grandpa Fisher have given me a teady bear whose name is Beady Bear. We read together every day. He's my reading buddy always before bed and hopefully during the daytime too. I am getting familiar with him by chewing on him, touching his soft hair, and simply holding onto him. We're about the same size. I'll out grow him soon though. Please look on to see Beady Bear and me enjoying our time together.
"I'm pleased to introduce you to Beady Bear."
"I'm going to tell you a secret, and you can't share it anyone."
"I want to give you a kiss too."
"Alright, let's get down to business and read a book already. This one looks good. It tells us what makes a rainbow. It's from cousin Merrick, and it's one of my favorites."
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