29th Week Profile and Happenings
Well, we've had our 29th week check up. We met with a new mid wife, and we both really liked her. Her eyes remind us of Vicki's/ Mom's. We have news that the glucose test was high, so now I'm on a special diet for three days. It consists of the basic food groups, but they require a minimum of servings and a limited amount of sweets. Little did I know that one tablespoon of honey, jam or syrup would be the limit for the day. Wow, that's extreme to me. So, Wednesday I then go in for a three hour testing of your glucose level again. They draw blood four times. You all know how much I really dislike that.
Good news is that the mid wife has requested that we have another ultra sound to find out what the sex of the baby really is. We didn't even ask for it. We are assured that the number of ultra sounds won't harm the baby, so there's no need to worry. This appointment is Tuesday...two days away. Yeah. We really love seeing how "she's" moving and looking at "her", so we're excited.
Last night we went to a performance of the Nutcracker here in Alamogordo. They have a quaint, but good sized theater. The performers were local and it seemed like most of them were in high school or younger. The talant was excellant considering that. We certainly appreciate their hard work and efforts, but at the same time appreciate the sound of the live orchastra and the professional talent you see in larger cities.
This is not all the evening had to offer. We went out to eat with our friends the Shockleys first. This eating establishment was new to all of us, and it was very nice. It was set up like a bed and breakfast where you eat in different rooms of an old house, so it was like having a private party Victorian style. This is a good place for out of town visitors to experience too. After dinner we walked to the theater. It was only a block away.
So, we all dressed up a bit. It was nice to have a reason to dress up. Since my Mother (Vicki) has questioned that I'm even pregnant because she couldn't tell in photographs she's seen lately, we've attached this picture from last nights events. You'll have to tell me if you think the belly looks like it has eleven weeks left.
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