September 16, 2007

Hot Air Balloons and Hiking

Gwen and I went on a hike that was 30 minutes each direction. This tressle is the destination just a 20 drive minute drive from Alamogordo. It was very nice. The reason we went up there last Friday was to get out of the heat. It was about 15 degrees cooler here. How nice! Gwen was in the back pack and I took her out to stretch and take pictures.
She was in a great mood, and actually stayed awake for the entire hike.
This was what the pathway looked like just before you came to the tressle lookout.

O.K. The balloon invitational was this weekend. We didn't make it out yesterday, because Gwen kept sleeping. Today all three of us awoke at 5:50am and were out the door at 6:23am. We were there way before the balloons started going up. Here are some pictures of the event. I appreciate the shadows and sunlight in this one.

We thought they were all going to fly in the air over the town of Alamogordo, but they just stuck around this area. It was nice to see though. We counted 21 up at the peak moment. I had read there were suppose to be 80. It was nice to have this event none the less. It was nice to do with Adam and Gwen.
Getting the basket ready...

We were up on this ridge of sand, and then we found out we could walk among the balloons and ventured down there.

I love the colors in this picture.

This was the first one to go with character.

Adam was holding Gwen when we were waiting for something to happen. Otherwise we had her in the back pack again. to make it worth the purchase.... ;)

More being inflated.
Children slide down the hills with sleds. Here you can also see the balloons being laid out before inflation.

September 12, 2007

This is a picture taken in the past of the annual hot air balloon festival at the White Sands National Monument. It is happening this Saturday and Sunday. I'm planning on taking Gwen this Saturday and then hopefully Adam can go on Sunday too. I figure going both days would give us totally different experiences. We'll see what kind of photos I can snap.

Gwen had her 6 month appointment on the 10th. She is 17lbs 9oz and 26.8". She has been eating rice cereal since the 8th and we have been introducing green beans and carrots. She's not too excited about the veggies right now. She makes some pretty funny faces actually.

She has been sleeping 11 hours straight for the last 6 days. Let's hope this keeps going. ;)

September 09, 2007

Half a Year Old Already

Yes, it's true. Gwen's six months old as of this last Saturday. It was a big day.

Out of the 2 oz of rice cereal prepared with breast milk she ate 1.25 oz. She actually swallowed it too. That was her first taste of anything other than breast milk. She would open up her mouth when the spoon came close. She didn't grab the spoon like she is in this picture. She starts grabbing it when she has had enough to eat and is playful instead. Can you believe how big she looks in this high chair? It took me a long time to decide on this one. It doesn't have all the bells and whistles, but it has the key features like height adjustment, easy clean up vinyl seat and back, and it folds up nicely.

Adam and I both fed her the cereal. She took it from us both switching off while the other was recording the event and making breakfast for ourselves. We are proud of this little girl. She had water in the sippy cup too. She only chews on the rubbery spout part rather than drinking from it. We keep water in it though, so that she will eventually figure out how it works. When Adam and I eat and she is not having cereal we give her this cup with water. I think it makes her feel like she's partaking in the meal too and not like she's being left out.

I like that this picture is dark and you only see their profile during this memorable time.

This day was packed with important events. We had to mark the moment of her first dress up for CSU football. They lost to California, but they were ranked #10 so it's not so bad in my opinion. They didn't lose by too much.

Here's what I call her "dreamy" pose.

Here are two of Gwen's most favorite things....Daddy and the remote. I don't know what it is about babies and the infatuation of remote controls for the TV. I've noticed other babies' interest also. I think they like playing with anything they see us fiddling with cell phones.

She's checking out this flag.

This walker is so great for her. When I'm in the kitchen and am not able to hold her or attend to her she can stay busy and see what I'm doing too. She still walks backwards only in it. She loves chewing on this miniature rubber duck too....the head fits in her mouth perfectly.

She had some naked time when bath time drew near, so I was playing with a silky scarf with her. I had her wrapped up in it and Adam thought it was a good picture. She's been having super sweet cuddling time with us both. Turning her head to the side is a new thing too.

Tummy time on Mommy works too. Sooner or later it will lead to crawling or creeping along.

September 04, 2007

Breckenridge Excursion

This last week we drove up to Colorado to go to a friend's wedding. Adam then flew to Florida for work for the following week while Gwen and I stayed in Breckenridge Colorado for ten days. Adam came back to see the CSU vs. CU football game....don't was a sad loss by three points...last minute heart breaker. Anyway, he spent time with our friend Mike, so we are rejuvenated with our time spent with friends.

This is after the wedding at the reception. It was so nice to have Gwen in long sleeves and pants. I can't wait for Fall! The temp in Summit county was in the 60's and 70's.

The reception again.

Briana is Josie's sister and both Adam and I have become friends with her. She is living in New Orleans now getting her residency. She is going to be a pediatrician.

Josie is wearing the bridesmaid chiffon.

We had breakfast with Cami. We were roommates in college.

Here we are at Einstein Bagels meeting Cami.

This is Josie and Lukes driveway. We were taking the dogs and Gwen on a walk one afternoon.

Gwen loved talking and playing with Luke. I think he and Adam tend to have more energy....shorter spurts of time with her, so she really loves their faces, sounds and moving around with them.

Josie is holding Gwen. Gwen loves her too. I think Gwen really locks in on Josie's beautiful blue eyes.

This was down on the bed we slept on for the week. Gwen is full of smiles.

This is the great view of where I took Gwen hiking two different times. It was fantastic!!

Here we are hiking. We are getting good use out of this backpack.

I can't give up the chance to show you all how Gwen spends most of the time in it though. She is so funny about it. I waited to go on the hike after she napped, ate and changed her diaper. Then she falls right back to sleep. The plan was to time it so that she could enjoy the scenery too, but things don't always go as planned. ha ha ha

Here we had gone for a walk and it rained. We had the cover over Gwen. I love how she's looking at me here. I took the picture, so the moment that was caught is funny.

One night our friends Jill, Tony and their baby Kaleb came up from Denver to have dinner and hang out. We all watched the CSU/ CU football game and had breakfast the next morning. It was great! Kaleb is ten and a half months old and crawling. It was great to see!

This is Hudson. He's younger than Gwen even. Crazy right? Luke is training him to be his hunting dog. He was very curious about Gwen, so she didn't spend much time on the floor playing. She had the luxury of being held by me much of the time. My back felt the effect that had on me. Josie was alway willing to help me out though when I would ask.

Here we are downtown Breckenridge. We went shopping while Luke and Adam were golfing. Josie is due in November with their first baby. We're really happy for them to say the least!

This one is dark, but we love her face in it. She's on the hotel bed in Colorado Springs. She's a traveling baby.
This is back at home in Alamogordo. We were playing with this ball that is perfect for her to grab and bite on. It's light weight and bends. Mini Mouse is back there ready to catch Gwen if she falls backward. he he he