Hot Air Balloons and Hiking
Gwen and I went on a hike that was 30 minutes each direction. This tressle is the destination just a 20 drive minute drive from Alamogordo. It was very nice. The reason we went up there last Friday was to get out of the heat. It was about 15 degrees cooler here. How nice! Gwen was in the back pack and I took her out to stretch and take pictures.
She was in a great mood, and actually stayed awake for the entire hike.
This was what the pathway looked like just before you came to the tressle lookout.
O.K. The balloon invitational was this weekend. We didn't make it out yesterday, because Gwen kept sleeping. Today all three of us awoke at 5:50am and were out the door at 6:23am. We were there way before the balloons started going up. Here are some pictures of the event. I appreciate the shadows and sunlight in this one.
We thought they were all going to fly in the air over the town of Alamogordo, but they just stuck around this area. It was nice to see though. We counted 21 up at the peak moment. I had read there were suppose to be 80. It was nice to have this event none the less. It was nice to do with Adam and Gwen.
Getting the basket ready...
We were up on this ridge of sand, and then we found out we could walk among the balloons and ventured down there.
I love the colors in this picture.
This was the first one to go with character.
Adam was holding Gwen when we were waiting for something to happen. Otherwise we had her in the back pack again. to make it worth the purchase.... ;)
More being inflated.
Children slide down the hills with sleds. Here you can also see the balloons being laid out before inflation.