Curious George Birthday Party
The hats on the top picture have Curious George on them. That was the theme of the party. One really neat idea they had for the party was to provide unstuffed animals and batting and the kids/ Moms if kids are too young stuff the animals and then zip them up in the back with a zipper. Then, "Whaaalaaa" Gwen has a lion stuffed animal now. It was very nice of them.
Adam and I volunteered to decorate yesterday morning for the VBS at church. We're painting a scene of the white sands and sky and hot air balloons on a bed sheet to decorate the craft room where I'll be helping out this coming week. I'm excited to have something to forward to each morning. It wasn't that organized yesterday, and I hope that is not an indication of how the rest of the week will go. More to come on this topic.
Also, Gwen has been in her crib since we've been home and adjusting very well. She naps in it too. She is going to sleep around 8pm...up at 12...up at 4....up around 7:30 or 8am. Any suggestions on how to get the stretches to be longer? It's hard for me to hear her cry. I let her talk for a while before I pick her up and feed her. I just figure if I feed her before she gets upset she'll go back to sleep easier. Who knows? I'm new at this. ha ha
Curious George, yeah!
Sleeping 5 hours in a row is considered "all through the night" for most babies... that's what I've discovered. I always thought it meant 8 hours, so I thought Merrick wasn't doing too well on "sleeping through the night" when I heard other moms saying their child was doing it. So, it sounds like Gwen is really close to that.
Merrick didn't start sleeping 8-10 hours a night until he was 11-12 months old, and even now at 16 months he's gotten up once or twice the last couple nights. And I've read in a couple books, that some kids don't sleep through the night until they're closer to 3.
So no advice from me. Babies keep you up at night, it's part of the package. ;)
I'd say she is doing pretty well! Kaleb just recently started sleeping longer stretches b/c he turns to his side now and is more comfortable. Until about a week ago he had a similar pattern to Gwen's! I agree with Morgan- Babies do keep you up at night! (: I can't stand to let him cry either so I've just let him figure it out in his own time!
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