January 21, 2007

Yeah! A Picture of the Growing Belly

Since so many people who look at this blog are far, far away from us, we put this photo up to show you the growth of the belly/baby. I am trying to pull back the shirt, so that it's tighter and shows more definition.

We took the picture today before heading to church. We haven't had much luck finding one that we feel comfortable in. I think even if we are here until the baby is 3 yrs old I want a good influence on her. I think of vacation bible school and activities and other little ones for her to play with when we adults want to get some spiritual time in too. We went to the Air Force base's chapel today. It was alright. They had a good message in the sermon, but we're going to keep looking for the weeks to come.

While we were at church, the woman sitting next to me asked me when I was due and if I would like her baby girl hand-me-downs. They have three girls and there are no boys in her entire extended family. I was pleasantly surprised, and accepted her offer. She wrote down her contact information, so I'll be calling her for sure. That's what is uniquely great about the Air Force community. Many people are willing to help others out. I think it trickles down from person to person. I'm sure she's had others help her out when her family was new in the millitary. Her husband is now a Lt Col, and that's an accomplished rank. I asked her if she was sure they won't be having any more children and could use the baby things. She said she was old and finished having kids. So, there you go. Kind people are all around us.


At 10:20 AM, Blogger Kim and Matt said...

You have such a cute little belly!! We can't wait to see pictures of Baby Fisher. :)


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