January 20, 2007

Week 34

Here's the latest and greatest. Adam has received an award for his time spent at Schriever AFB which has enthusiastic wording and is very complimentary. Another thing going on with his work is that we have an award's banquet coming up next Friday. He's on the committee to organize it, and I'm helping with the decorations.

We went over to our friend's house last night to play Halo- an XBox game. I watched the other eight people play for the five hours we were over there and tried the game out once. It takes a lot of practice I now realize. It was nice to spend time with others, but the video game world is just not for me (Kim).

I've been spending more time with some different people here. I've met twice with a group of Mothers with newborns. The group is called Playgroup Pals. It's meant for the Mothers to share advice, get together for breakfast and eventually the kids can interact too. I and one other gal, Nikki, are new to the group and roughly have the same due dates. Her hubby works with Adam, so we see each other at other functions too.

The other group I've been meeting with is the spouse's group(spouses of the active military personnel). They have been very kind and are giving three of the "members'" babies a shower Feb 8th. We are all going to Las Cruces to one of the lady's house. It's very nice of them considering hardly anyone knows me. I felt uncomfortable about it, but it goes along the same lines as when someone gives you a compliment say thank you instead of denying it. That's a lesson I learned in high school.

O.K. This is for everyone dieing for a "Famous Kim Story". ;) A gal named Holly Timperley was two years ahead of me in school. After an intense basketball game that the Battle Creek Bravettes lost, Holly came up to me in the locker room and told me I had a good game. I remember saying something similar to, "Yeah right- Whatever". (I forgot to add that Holly was the tallest on the team and won the shot put competition years in a row at State Track. One could say she was intimidating.) To that, Holly, who was upset and frustrated like the rest of us on the team shouted to me inches from my face, "I JUST PAID YOU A COMPLIMENT. WHEN SOMEONE PAYS YOU A COMPLIMENT YOU SAY THANK YOU." So, that is how I learned that life lesson. I hope you can use it in your daily life too. ;) Too often we think someone is just being nice or doesn't really mean what they are complimenting. I urge you to say thank you and smile.

Now for Baby Fisher news...
We had a doc appt last Thursday. That day was the start of the 34th week. We met a new mid wife. Her name is Karen. She answered the many questions I had come up with about labor and what the hospital's standard procedures are in a way that comforted Adam and me. We would feel comfortable having her deliver Baby Fisher...no problem. Now we only need to meet one other person in our 36th week appointment to become aquainted with all of the mid wives. After the 36th week, we have an appointment every week until birth day.

The baby is growing at the rate she should. I have a little bit of swelling on my ankles, but such a small amount that I can't tell. I haven't had any leg cramps since the monster one in Omaha. Adam and I feel the baby's movements all of the time. Other than that, things are pretty uneventful. We are staying home a lot to save money, so I've taken up knitting again.

There was some snow that fell yesterday. Maybe 2-3" accumulated. Here are some pictures from our back and front doors. Snow is rare enough around here that Adam had a late start at work...10am. We can hardly believe it.


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