January 04, 2007

The Latest Doctor's Appointment

Yesterday Adam and I went to the nearly 32nd week appointment. The baby's heart rate and growth are good and on schedule. My glucose results were good. I did have a MASSIVE cramp in my leg the night of Anne's wedding. It was the most intense one yet, and lasted quite a while. It woke me up, and all I could say was "Owy owy owy" while squinting my eyes. Adam was alarmed to say the least, and he wanted to help me. But, there was nothing he could do. We were told in our appointment at the hospital yesterday that if it happens again to get up out of bed and stretch it out. Thinking back though, I felt paralyzed in a way. I couldn't move or even open my eyes. Also, I was recommended to take calcium supplements. Lack in calcium, magnesium and water can cause it. I think being on my feet most of the day could have also had a part in it. When you are traveling it's not always easy to get milk or some other form of calcium. Have you ever noticed someone ordering milk with their meal while eating out? Me neither.

Other than that the appointment consisted of "See you in two weeks". We have an appointment every two weeks for the next four weeks. The last four weeks they want to see me once a week. The days are counting down.

Now, I want to say this in the most sincere way. We won't be having any baby showers, but we wanted to register at Babies R Us for those that would like to buy Baby Fisher some gifts. We are thinking of registering at Walmart or Target also. If that would be easier for you, please let me know. Both Adam and I certainly don't expect anything. We think that many friends and family members have been more than generous already, and we thank you. That's all and thanks.


At 2:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe how close you are to the delivery date! I loved the 29 week profile by the way; you look great! Also, I just wanted to wish you and Adam a belated Happy Holidays and I miss you guys very much! Maegen

At 3:00 PM, Blogger Morgan Mann said...

Hi Kim! Thanks for giving me a call this AM. Hopefully you won't get anymore leg cramps! Those sound killer. And I've ordered milk in restaurants and stuff (I must be the only one *smiles*), and you can get little ones at gas stations (usually by the OJ or tea). But unfortunately it's only 2%.

At 11:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Kim! You are such a cute pregnant lady! (: I am so glad to hear things are going good! I hope to talk to you soon! Jill (:

At 9:34 AM, Blogger Morgan Mann said...

Okay it's been over a week. We want an update to the blog!!

At 12:48 PM, Blogger Dee said...

Hi Kim!
I'm all caught up with your happenings! You sound very happy and make the best of things! I love seeing the pictures! You look great! Thank goodness for this blog thing, even though I'm new to this & didn't know you could make comments, hense the reason that you haven't heard from me. Sorry! I hope your leg cramps go away. Take care ~Dee~


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