Nearly Five Months Old & Sitting...
Today is Saturday. We talked with our friend Maegen telling her that we'd put pictures up today. I was anxious to put some up of our hike this morning in the mountains, but we left the card for the camera in the computer. Bummer! I did take numerous other pictures today though. We've had a good day. Gwen's attitude is so warm and cuddly lately....especially when she wakes up from a nap. ;) I love that time with her. She rubs her eyes and tries to wake up a bit.
So, here are the pictures. She'll turn five months old on the four days.
Adam is holding Gwen once we came back home. It was so fun to put long sleeves and pants on her. You know when you get sick of wearing a certain season's clothing and you can't wait to switch to the next? That's how I felt today when I dressed her. Morgan and Jason gave us this cute number. It was super comfy too!
She stands really well when we hang onto her hands or under her arms. She has for quite a while now.
She's reaching for things this last week also. She is reaching for our faces, for us when she wants to go to the other parent, for the water in the sink when she wants to put her hand in it. She's fairly curious about things like that. You can see the wheels turning.
"Mmmmm...chewing on my cow girl from the Siglers is one of my favorite pass times. It's a bonus this morning, because I'm doing tummy time at the same time. "
Toys like this help Gwen keep her mind off of the unhappiness that can accompany tummy time.
"Mom, will you quit kissing me so much!" We love to kiss her on her neck really quickly over and over. It makes her smile.
Her personality is showing through. How fun! I think this outfit is from Patty and Danny. It says "Chicks Rule" and has little chickens on it.
"You make one move , and I'm going for the guns. Any questions?" ha ha
I surprised her on this one. We put the boppy around her while she's learning to sit, so that if she falls over she's cushioned. The idea is thanks to Anne Marie doing that with Kaden.
Look, she still has those cubby cheeks. Gotta love 'um. If she has something to hang onto in front, it helps her sit up.
She's looking at Adam. I like to say she's saying something like, "Com'mon Dad. Get real." Don't you think?
The ball's texture and shape interest her. I think the size difference from the rest of her toys makes it a high light also.
She's tired of sitting up, so she just falls back and lounges.
"Sit back, relax and take a load off. I've been working hard."
Now that she's sitting so well, we're going to sit her up in the stroller rather than in the car seat that attaches to the stroller. This will be so much fun for her on our morning walks with Anne Marie and Kaden. She can look out rather than just looking at the sky and Mommy. The stroller is a great one, because it can be pulled down to cover her as far as you want. Here I have it pulled down almost completely. We went to get the mail and it was a scorcher out there. She just awoke from a nap, so she's still sleepy here. Even though she smiles a lot, she can be quite the serious baby too.
See, here's her happy face!
Gwen is too cute for words!
Thanks for posting pictures! It makes my day to see all of your smiling faces. It was SO wonderful to talk to you on the phone! Hugs and Kisses....
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