Vitamin D and Much More
I have a question for anyone that would like to respond. At the pediatrician appointment last week, the doctor told me that Gwen needs to have a vitamin D supplement. She mentioned that even if you did take them out in the sun (which we're not suppose to) that wouldn't produce enough vitamin D. Since then I've found out that they don't have a supplement with vitamin D only, and that it's a multivitamin with iron drop for infants. Does this sound familiar to anyone that has infants?
Sleeping habits or routines are forming a bit. For about 4 days now, Gwen has been sleeping for 3.5 to 4 hours from any time between 8pm and 9:30pm. Then she is fed and burped and changed for 45 mins to an hour. Then she sleeps for another 2 t0 2.5 hours. Then the 45 min to hour feeding ritual again. Then finally another 2 hour sleeping time. That all spans from 8pm to 8am give or take an hour. I am loving that, because it gives me any where from 7-8 hours of sleep, and Adam gets some good sleep for the next work day. Granted, the night before she was up from 3:30 am to 6am and nothing would calm her crying. I just had to take her into her room and close the door, so that Adam wouldn't be absolutely insane the next day at work.
We did give in and give her a pacifier last night. It's our secret weapon now against the crying. We were trying not to use one, but it's so wonderful when I'm changing her before feeding her. I can actually wash my hands and throw the diaper away without her crying and me running around like a chicken with my head cut off so she doesn't cry with the tonsils rattling. Does anyone have opinions or words of wisdom about using a pacifier?
Gwen and I have been walking around the "court" of houses yesterday and today. I ran into two different neighbors while going to the mailbox. It was nice to talk with adults. ;)
Now it's time for me, Kim, to eat some lunch, brush my teeth and hopefully get a shower in. Gwen is in the front carrier sleeping while I'm writing this. I think she likes to hear my heart beat when she's leaning on me. ;)
Tonight is the second to last day that the spouses are bringing over dinner. The gal bringing it has a 6 month old that was born at 27 weeks. She now weighs as much as Gwen does and she was born September 3rd. Blair is a really cool woman. She is going to try to get a group together that likes to meet weekly on base to stroll our babies around. She's been home bound too, and loves to exercise. I told her I'd be up for it in a couple of weeks (playing it by ear).
Also, it was so nice, because she called me this morning to see what time would be best to bring the dinner. Even that is super considerate. Huge smile!!!!!
Much love to all!
Be carefully about iron - too much iron can make the intestines bleed. Probably check with the doctor.
I had to give Thomas a multi vitamin when he was a baby. I smelled and tasted gross. I hid it in his formula. It also can make them constipated. Try to increase your vitamin D. I LOVE PACIFIERS!! But try to use it only if necessary!! Thomas was 4 when he gave up his and Tess 3.
I can't help it, I have to say it... when I saw the picture of Gwen with the pacifier in her mouth, all I could think of was, "What you talkin about, Willis?!" It just cracks me up!!! That look-what a doll!!!
Love, Patty
I found one that was just Vitamin D. It's yellow and comes with a dropper and it's called "just D." Here's a link to their site: Sunlight Vitamins. I tasted it and it wasn't too terrible, mostly oily feeling, but no taste.
My ped said that no matter how much vitamin D, I took in, it just one of those things that doesn't come through the breastmilk.
Now that I've read the entire post through. I have to comment again. Super cute pics! It's good to hear that you're getting out and about, and that you've found time to shower! I still don't get that some days. ;)
Merrick used/uses his pacifier and didn't get nipple confusion, and since you've been going strong with the bfeeding for close to a month now, you should be in the clear to use the pacifier and not have it interfere. But we found it was a life saver too - at least for our sanity anyway. Not so much the screaming, but he liked to suck even if he wasn't hungry.
Now he only uses it to go to sleep or if he's hurt and needs to be soothed.
My pediatrician never said anything about adding a multivitamin or Vitamin D so I have only breastfed Kaleb. We used the same kind of pacifier as Gwen has to get him to stop crying during night time changings and I still use it every once in awhile to get him to sleep but he doesn't really want it anymore. Gwen is super cute and you look like you are having so much fun! (: Jill
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