October 04, 2007

Some Things to Share

I don't have any pictures today, but I have some things I want to share with everyone.

Today Adam had to leave for work around 4:30am, while he's getting ready I sort of am awake but mostly stay asleep. Then he left the house. Shortly there after I hear "Kim" whispered. It freaked me out, because I was close to a dreaming state. It was Adam outside our bedroom window, because he left the car key inside the house and he needed back in. It was comical.

Also, a random piece of information is that I have determined that Gwen has Adam's hands and feet. This is a huge relief to me, since I have bunions. I wouldn't wish that on Gwen. It's fun seeing her develop and grow.

Another thing is that I went to a knitting and crocheting meeting at a nursing home this last Tuesday. It was so great! It's every other Tuesday, and I plan on attending again. I went to get some guidance on how to knit mittens for Gwen. I've only knit scarves and 1/2 of a sweater so far, but plan on getting into this hobby more. I really like it.


At 2:27 PM, Blogger Morgan Mann said...

Yeah, no bunions for Gwen! ;)


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